
- Baronstraat 61, 8870 EMELGEM, West-Vlaanderen, België
- Elektro, computer & informatica / ICT-consultants (adviesbureaus) / Overige ICT-diensten
- +32 (0)51 79 79 29;
- BE 0599.832.459
- Contacteer BelgoSAT
- We are Intellian's preferred Service & Support Partner in the ARA-region and can offer you service of your maritime Sailor, Jotron, SkyTech, KVH, KNS and/or SeaTel stabilized VSAT (internet) or TVRO (TV)-antenna.
- We have 4 engineers, accredited as Inmarsat Certified Installer for FleetXpress working on a regular base on the rollout of the FleetXpress Upgrades & New Installations for Inmarsat Maritime.
- We already work(ed) for multiple major satellite providers
like Airbus Defence & Space, Inmarsat, Marlink, WINS Systems (now Speedcast), SatPoint (now Telenor Maritime), Orange Business Services,
- We offer a full range of products like CCTV-installations, IP-connected with a Setel Powerline over your existing electrical wiring, Routers, WIFI & IT-networking from Peplink, connected to a VSAT or a TVRO and equipment for TV-distribution. Save on your telephone bills with our Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) and our mobile phone subscriptions with a fixed price for your data-connections and phonecalls.
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